الاثنين، 16 يونيو 2008


Hi there

This is my first post and I can't think of anything better to make of it than an introduction.
My name is Wa'el and I'm from Saudi Arabia. I enjoy many hobbies; drawing, reading, writing, music, video games, anime and movies. I have a Bachelor's degree in English literature and I'm passionate about reading literary books from different cultures, but my real passion is in drawing and that's probably gonna be my main focus here.

I've been influenced by many artists and I like to explore my potential, that's why I have a variety of styles; I draw portraits, fantasy and cute, but I rarely draw anything abstract. I draw using computer programs, such as Adobe Photoshop and Open Canvas, with a pen tablet from Wacom; digital art/illustration.

I like comic strips and web comics...the whole comic family, and I used many elements from my life as an inspiration to create my own comic strip. The result was the boy and penguin; the boy represents my daily experiences and thoughts, while the penguin represents childhood and innocence, and he can be clever.

Here's one of my latest works for the boy & penguin

I hope you enjoy it
Good luck 

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